Sabrina's Weekly Digest No. 7
Hey fellow humans, and thank you for reading my weekly digest. I missed last week, but because I only have a few readers, I doubt many of you missed it. I did have a good reason for skipping last week's digest, though: my parents were in town. I took them to the aquarium one day (I got to see a 100 lb octopus eat their lunch), and to church the next day, where they experienced an Episcopal/Anglican service for the first time.
Find the last digest here.
You know me, just catching up on my favorite podcasts. I've listened to all of Faith and Capital's episodes except for the most recent two. The more I listen, the more I am convinced that this is the podcast that I would recommend to any Christian who is beginning to question capitalism.
Sancta Colloquia released a new episode in which I find myself taking notes from a very sharp young fellow, Garrett Gore, who talks about Zizek, poststructuralism, Post Theism, and Quakers. I found myself nodding along when the discussion turned to Evangelicalism. Check it out!
Yesterday, I wrapped up listening to a very interesting episode on Podcastica Patristica in which Drs. Lynn Cohick and Amy Hughes were interviewed about a book they wrote together about women in the Patristic era of the church: Christian Women in the Patristic World. This work is important, because as Dr. Hughes said on the podcast, "The assumption is that you can tell the story of Christian development without women." That assumption is wrong, and I'm adding the book to my list, because I am only somewhat familiar with the opinions that various Church Fathers had of women, not the women themselves.
I read War Against All Puerto Ricans in two days, finishing it on Wednesday. I posted quite a few highlights on Twitter, so check those out. I highly recommend this work if you're interested in history and/or Puerto Rico.
Because I felt inspired finishing War Against All Puerto Ricans, I decided to pick up A People's History of the United States again, after starting it four years ago and stopping.
Articles and miscellanea:
I've had War Against All Puerto Ricans on my shelf for a while, but last week I came across a piece written by a Boricua titled, "Toward a Post Maria Puerto Rican Pastoral Theology", where the author not only mentions the beloved Our God Loves Justice, but he applies it to the context of Puerto Rico, citing War Against All Puerto Ricans and A Puerto Rican Decolonial Theology. After reading the piece, I decided that I was going to read War Against All Puerto Ricans next.
A couple of other interesting pieces I've read in the past few weeks, both having to do with Spain (I've had my 23andme results on the brain. I am essentially Spanish and British, with little bits of other things due to being media puertorriqueña.):
"The radical Benedictine sister who fought for Catalan independence"
"A History of the Iberian Peninsula, as Told by Its Skeletons"
There's been a bit of turmoil in Puerto Rico this week. The current governor ("Ricky") is being called to resign, because some investigative journalists uncovered 900 pages of private chat where the governor had made homophobic, misogynistic remarks, and was mocking Maria survivors. Citizens took to the streets in peaceful protest, but were unsurprisingly chased away with tear gas from the police. It was a complete coincidence that I was reading War Against All Puerto Ricans at the same time this was going on.
Anyhow, I picked up on some things that haven't really changed in Puerto Rico:
- the governors have rarely had the interests of the people in mind, even when Puerto Rico was able to elect their own.
- the US government never cared about Puerto Rico, it still doesn't, and it probably never will.
- the police are always used to suppress any kind of protest, when it includes black and brown people, peaceful or not peaceful. In this case, it seems the police made it violent, according to live tweets:
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, this Guardian piece is a good place to start: Puerto Rico: top figures in governor's own party urge him to resign
If you want to get a feel for the relationship between the US and PR, and the book I keep mentioning, this is a good place to start: Ponce Massacre pt 1
That's all for this week! If you ever want to chat about being a white-presenting Latina, let me know. It's complicated.